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TV: All Creatures Great and Small, Season 3 Episode 3 "Surviving Siegfried" recap

Writer's picture: mzmacphersonmzmacpherson

Updated: Oct 12, 2023

All Creatures Great and Small Season 3 episode 3 recap. Big and Small Screen blog is your one-stop for reviews, musings, hot takes, celebrity spotlights and more!

ACGAS 3/3 Surviving Siegfried

SPOILER ALERT for All Creatures Great and Small Season 3 episode 3!

All Creatures Great and Small Season 3 episode 3 recap

We begin with a young Captain Siegfried Farnon, WWI time stream, on horseback with two other soldiers. They come across the aftermath of a battle. Captain Farnon hears a horse in pain and says they need to have a look. And right away, I know I’m going to cry a lot during this episode.

They try to save the battle horse as mortar fire explodes around them. But mustard gas blows into their area and Siegfried yells for his men to mask up. One soldier, Maurice, is worried about the horses and tries to put his own mask on the horse. He says, “the animal always comes first!” Yeah, I’m weeping. If you have any questions about WWI and the use of mustard gas and trench warfare, spend some time watching some YouTube videos or reading these pages. It will break your heart.

One of his men, Turner, is down. And suddenly, we are back to the current time of the show. Mrs. Hall tries to rouse Siegfried from his reverie. She tells him a Major Sebright Saunders has a horse Siegfried needs to check on. He has dropped the letter he was looking at and Mrs. Hall picks it up.

As he’s leaving, he sees how messy things are in the surgery. James comes in from a long night working and Helen gives him the breakfast Mrs. Hall has saved for him. Siegfried is bellowing and Tristan tries to slink away and hide. It’s cute to see where loyalties lie in their family dynamic. James won’t reveal that Tris is hiding. Siggy asks Helen and she says right away that T is hiding in the pantry.

Tristan gets scolded. Hard. Siegfried is obviously upset about something else and takes it out on everyone else. Tris warns Helen, playfully but still earnestly, that they should take a united front against Siegfried and that her “time will come.” Hmmm, we’ll see.

James has to eat and get going to see about a dead cow. But before that, he gets the shakedown by a Mrs. Beck who ends up with a discount on her cat Georgina’s spay operation. On the way to drop Helen off, she says he will wear himself out by doing so much and not making S and T share the load equally. He asks her to please get her dad on board for the TB testing so the other farmers will be persuaded.

All Creatures Great and Small Season 3 episode 3 recap. Big and Small Screen blog is your one-stop for reviews, musings, hot takes, celebrity spotlights and more!

All Creatures Great and Small Season 3 episode 3 recap continues

Now for Siegfried and the horse we know will make us cry. The Major asks if he’s heard about Sergeant Oliver. Sounds like he has passed away. His death must be in the letter that sent S back in time.

Apparently, the Major has an expensive horse of good breeding who won’t allow anyone to ride him. In order to show Siegfried the horse’s behavior, the Major insists, against Siggy’s protestations, a poor lackey has to attempt to mount. It does not go well.

Siegfried asks them to remove the saddle and to give them some background on the horse. Aw, he’s so so good with horses! Seems that the sea voyage to get the horse to the Major was a “bit rough.” Ah, so it’s psychological and Siegfried reminds them he has experience in transporting horses overseas. He tells them, “animals, like people, cannot simply be tinkered with and fixed like a wristwatch.” OUR THEME, ladies and gentleman. The Major asks him to “break him” or he’s no good.

Tristan makes an enormous mess while trying to sort the surgery. Mr. Barge arrives plying his wares. Mrs. Hall suggests it is better to wait for Siegfried to return before buying anything but Tristan wants to prove himself. He buys something that is not meant for human consumption and I’m pretty sure this will come back to haunt him.

All Creatures Great and Small Season 3 episode 3 recap. Big and Small Screen blog is your one-stop for reviews, musings, hot takes, celebrity spotlights and more!

All Creatures Great and Small Season 3 episode 3 recap continues

Siegfried works to gain River’s trust, trying to get the horse to look at him. But River is so afraid that he’s in fight or flight mode. This is going to take a while, S says. River’s life is on the line because the Major says he’s not good for anything but dog food.

James arrives to a farmer saying his cow was hit by lightning. But James says there is no sign of that here, that the cow had convulsions. The farmer is already defensive because of the TB testing rumors. He simply wants James to sign the death certificate so he can make an insurance claim for the value of the cow. But James is too honest.

Helen talks to her father about the testing and he says he’ll think about it. She later tells James the farmers’ point of view and says she doesn’t want to fight about it. They hold hands and James reassures her.

Siggy is making some progress with River. They walk around the corral together and he can tell how deeply disturbed the horse is. He says to make sure River isn’t alone at night. An exhausted Siegfried returns home, deep in thought. He looks at a photo and we are taken back to his WWI days.

He makes references to “damage we can’t see” and we know he’s talking about post-traumatic stress disorder, which was called “shell shock” during this time. We see the Major Seabright Saunders who tells Siegfried about the armistice. He tasks S with accompanying his horse Orpheus (ohhhh perfect name!). The Major gives Siegfried the horrible task of putting down all the horses they won’t need anymore now that the war is over. I am crying again.

All Creatures Great and Small Season 3 episode 3 recap continues

Mrs. Hall brings Siegfried some dinner at his desk. She sees he’s looking at his old army notes and asks about River. She says time will heal any wound but can’t do away with any scars, though. Yup. There’s our theme again.

James answers the phone sleepily the next morning. Siegfried notices how well Tristan has tidied. But then sees the bottles Tristan has purchased from the traveling salesman. Helen is pushing for Tristan to answer the phone sometimes and share the load with James. S brings in the bottles and scolds T for buying the stuff. He then tells James he has to pick up more with regard to work because he will be working with River in the next few days. James says, “of course,” as Helen shoots him a look. She’s not happy. She reminds everyone that James was out all night and asks if Tristan can pick up some of the work. She says it’s not fair but James insists he will be fine.

S turns on Helen and says he built this practice from the ground up and says he will run things as he sees fit. Mrs. Hall tries to step in but is cut short. S storms out. Mrs. Hall says S has a lot on his mind. James says he will speak to Siegfried later about how he spoke to Helen but she says, nah, I got this.

T asks if everything is okay with S. She insists it will blow over, “until the next storm comes rolling in.” Everyone leaves but Mrs. Hall says, “you see it too, don’t you, Jess.” Sweet Jessie!

All Creatures Great and Small Season 3 episode 3 recap. Big and Small Screen blog is your one-stop for reviews, musings, hot takes, celebrity spotlights and more!

All Creatures Great and Small Season 3 episode 3 recap continues

Helen drives James because he’s so exhausted. She tells her dad she had no idea how hard he worked. They make it to Mallock’s Farm and he and Cranford are arguing back and forth about proving the cow died of a lightning strike. James wants to see the heart. He will be able to tell by looking at the heart whether the cow died as the farmers insist. The farmers push to get the insurance claim but James is too honest. Helen says, “well done.”

Back to River and Siggy. Sounds like River liked having a buddy at night. Siegfried suggests saddling up the buddy, Pegasus, and taking River for a ride with just a saddle. He talks to River the whole time, explaining what he’s doing as he gets him ready. He wants River to see that Pegasus is being ridden and getting to go out. But he soon sees what he thinks it the root of the problem. Siggy is a horse whisperer. I love seeing him work with River. He lets River run out while he joins on Pegasus.

Mrs. Beck tells James and Helen that they can go fetch Georgina, the cat. She seems really really angry about being put in a box. The car ride is a bit exciting! Back at the surgery, Tristan won’t take James’ advice on Georgina. They watch as Georgina does her thing.

Siegfried thinks the next step is to try to ride River. And he does it! “Happy horse,” he says and praises River. River starts to buck and S is thrown off. The Major says he “can’t afford to keep a horse that no man can ride.” That famous Farnon temper comes out and S blows his top. The Major reminds him of all the horrors they’ve seen and that there is no humanity left in the world and that “we’re going to make the same mistakes all over again.” WWII is coming, remember?

The Major says he will get his head man, Monkham, to “do the deed.” River’s days are numbered, it seems. S says River deserves better than that and he will come back tomorrow. Quick flashback to Captain Farnon and Maurice Oliver talking about what to do about the horses being scheduled to die.

At home, Siegfried and Mrs. Hall play Scrabble. He shows her the letter from Sergeant Oliver and tells her the two of them went through terrible things together. He reveals that he killed himself last week. What an amazing scene with the two of them. I won't spoil all that they say here.

At the pub, Helen, Tristan, and James commiserate over a pint. We find out that the magic tonic T bought did not work. Helen proposes that they just keep it from Siegfried. T says she’s learning and reminds her that “the only way of surviving Siegfried is if we stick together.” And they toast. Our title, ya’ll! Cranford starts up in the pub about the TB testing. Her dad, Alderson, comes in and agrees that he’ll be the first to let James test his cows. Hurrah!

All Creatures Great and Small Season 3 episode 3 recap continues

At breakfast, Siegfried comments on the scratches on the trio’s faces and catches up on what’s been going on while he was working with River. He then apologizes to Helen but she stops him, saying it’s fine. He talks about trying to help River and lamenting that the damage “must be too deeply ingrained.” Audrey says, “Some things can’t be undone.” S asks T to drive him to the Major’s place and asks him to bring the humane kit. I’m already crying again.

Driving up, they see a military vehicle and make way. S says that when he left for Belgium, he’d never seen a tractor work the fields but when he got back, they were everywhere. “The world changed overnight.” T asks if he’s alright. S says, “none of us is,” considering the state of the world. “There’d be something wrong with us,” if we weren’t upset by the impending war. There’s a nice moment between the brothers. T says he’ll start taking night calls. But then after talking a bit, he says, er, maybe he’ll be better off sticking with day surgery.

Meanwhile, James and Helen bring Georgina back home. James says, “it’s the little old ladies that cause all the bother.” He tells Helen she should be the one to try to get Mrs. Beck to pay up. And guess how that goes down?

S prepares the humane kit. The Major says he’d rather leave S to it and starts to walk out of the stables. S insists he stay, “this time.” Flashback. Young Siegfried has to shoot a beautiful horse, the first of many.

In the show’s time, S tells the Major that none of this is the poor animal’s fault. He brings up Maurice, saying he needed help and no one was there to give it to him. “But we’re here now. Surely we don’t need to repeat the mistakes and cruelties of the past.” Ouch. Right in the feels. But he does end up convincing him that River can be saved if he just gave it some time. Tristan says this isn’t the most sensible idea Siegfried has ever had. S answers that “others have risked and given far more.” Siegfried tells River they can help each other and not give up. He takes River out without a saddle and the two ride off over the hills. More crying. Cue theme.


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