Reservation Dogs, Skoden!
We've been catching up on Reservation Dogs Season 2. Yeah, I know. We're way behind. Skoden! I still love this show. I have my favorites but all these young actors are killing it. The humor is just my style. Sometimes it makes me sad and I have to remember that it's also a drama. So I have to be in a certain head space to watch more than a few episodes at a time. Season 3 will be the last. Sigh. However, I do like when writers know when it's best to let the story wind up where it should. I dislike shows that go on and on when clearly just a few seasons is enough to get where they need to be. What a great accomplishment!
Still missing Paxman but we are liking the new guy, Amol Rajan, hosting University Challenge's latest season. We watch on YouTube but have been actively avoiding the whole Dave Garda controversy.
What are YOU watching?